Communication Studies 395-0: Topics in Communication Studies
Section 22: Advanced Theories of Persuasion

meeting concurrently with

Communication Studies 525-0: Seminar: Problems in Communication Studies
Section 23: Advanced Theories of Persuasion
Spring 2007




Readings for Wednesday 11 April



7. The transtheoretical model (stages of change): Part 1


            Prochaska, J. O., Redding, C. A., & Evers, K. E. (2002). The transtheoretical model and stages of change. In K. Glanz, B. K. Rimer, & F. M. Lewis (eds.), Health behavior and health education: Theory, research, and practice (3rd ed., pp. 99-120). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

            Prochaska, J. O., Velicer, W. F., Rossi, J. S., Goldstein, M. G., Marcus, B. H., Rakowski, W., Fiore, C., Harlow, L. L., Redding, C. A., Rosenbloom, D., & Rossi, S. R. (1994). Stages of change and decisional balance for 12 problem behaviors. Health Psychology, 13, 39-46. [online via NU]



For further reading:

            Prochaska, J. O., & DiClemente, C. C. (1984). The transtheoretical approach: Crossing traditional boundaries of therapy. Homewood, IL: Dow Jones-Irwin.

            Prochaska, J. O. (1994). Strong and weak principles for progressing from precontemplation to action on the basis of twelve problem behaviors. Health Psychology, 13, 47-51.

            Slater, M. D. (1999). Integrating application of media effects, persuasion, and behavior change theories to communication campaigns: A stages-of-change framework. Health Communication, 11, 335-354.

            Oldenburg, B., Glanz, K., & French, M. (1999). The application of staging models to the understanding of health behaviour change and the promotion of health. Psychology and Health, 14, 503-516.






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