Persuasion Theory and Research
September 2011
a course for the Argupolis doctoral program:
Argumentation Practices in Context
Professor: Daniel J. O’Keefe
Brief description: This course provides an overview of social-scientific theory and research concerning persuasion, focused especially on relationships with argumentation theory and research. The course covers various leading theoretical approaches (e.g., the theory of planned behavior and the elaboration likelihood model) and research findings on the persuasive effects of selected message variations.
Text: D. O’Keefe, Persuasion: Theory and research (2nd ed., paperback, Sage) (ISBN 0-7619-2539-2)
General outline:
1. Background: concept of persuasion, attitude measurement, assessing persuasion
2. Persuasion theories
3. Persuasive effects of message variations
4. Research-informed content analyses of messages
5. Some ethical issues
Detailed outline
of topics and readings
Argupolis home page
Daniel J. O'Keefe home page
Daniel J. O'Keefe email