judgment theory (2 of 2)
(a) What are assimilation and contrast effects (broadly speaking)? (b) What is
a contrast effect? (c) What is an assimilation effect? (d) What is the rule of
thumb concerning when each effect will occur?
(a) What is the relationship between ego-involvement and assimilation and
contrast effects? (b) Explain how contrast effects reduce the effectiveness of
persuasive messages; explain how assimilation effects reduce the effectiveness
of persuasive messages. (c) What kinds of messages are subject to assimilation
and contrast effects? (d) How can a persuader minimize assimilation and
contrast effects? (e) Explain how political campaigns can exploit assimilation
effects concerning positions on policy issues.
(a) What does it mean to say that two factors (variables) are confounded?
Explain how the use of the known-groups procedure confounded extremity and
involvement in social judgment research. (b) Explain how social judgment
theory's concept of involvement is confused.
(a) Identify and describe two worrisome findings concerning the measures of
ego-involvement. (b) What is a correlation? What values (numbers) can a
correlation have? What sort of correlation is expected between two instruments
that measure the same property? (c) If the various measures of involvement all
do measure involvement, what correlations would be expected between them (e.g.,
between the number of categories in the Own-Categories procedure and the size
of the latitude of rejection on the Ordered Alternatives questionnaire)? What
correlations have been observed? Are the measures of ego-involvement strongly
correlated with each other? (d) Do the measures of ego-involvement display the
expected patterns of association with other variables? (e) How is
ego-involvement expected to be related to assessments of perceived topic
importance or commitment to one’s position? What relationships are observed?
(f) If one rank-orders topics by the average size of the latitude of rejection,
what pattern should be seen (according to social judgment theory)? What pattern
is seen?