Communication Studies 394-0: Undergraduate Research
Section 24: Persuasion in Health Contexts
Spring 2021
5.4 Campaign effects and evaluation
5.4.1 Review papers Some general reviews Some behavior-specific reviews
5.4.2 Some specific examples of campaign evaluation
5.4.3 Contextualizing health behavior change campaigns
5.4 Campaign effects and evaluation
5.4.1 Review papers Some general reviews
For further reading:
Michie, S., & Abraham, C. (2004). Interventions to change health behaviours: Evidence-based or evidence-inspired? Psychology and Health, 19, 29-51.
Cho, H., & Salmon, C. T. (2007). Unintended effects of health communication campaigns. Journal of Communication, 57, 293–317.
Parcell, L. M., Kwon, J., Miron, D., & Bryant, J. (2007). An analysis of media health campaigns for children and adolescents: Do they work? In R. W. Preiss, B. M. Gayle, N. Burrell, M. Allen, & J. Bryant (Eds.), Mass media effects research: Advances through meta-analysis (pp. 345-361). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Snyder, L. B. (2007). Meta-analyses of mediated health campaigns. In R. W. Preiss, B. M. Gayle, N. Burrell, M. Allen, & J. Bryant (Eds.), Mass media effects research: Advances through meta-analysis (pp. 327-344). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Tang, K. C., Choi, B. C. K., & Beaglehole, R. (2008). Grading of evidence of the effectiveness of health promotion interventions. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 62, 832-834.
Noar, S. M. (2009). Challenges in evaluating health communication campaigns: Defining the issues. Communication Methods and Measures, 3, 1-11.
Atkin, C., & Salmon, C. T. (2010). Communication campaigns. In C. R. Berger, M. E. Roloff, & D. R. Roskos-Ewoldsen (Eds.), Handbook of communication science (2nd ed., pp. 419-436). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
Salmon, C. T., & Murray-Johnson, L. (2013). Communication campaign effectiveness and effects: Some critical distinctions. In R. E. Rice & C. K. Atkin (Eds.), Public communication campaigns (4th ed., pp. 99-112). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
Valente, T. W., & Kwan, P. P. (2013). Evaluating communication campaigns. In R. E. Rice & C. K. Atkin (Eds.), Public communication campaigns (4th ed., pp. 83-97). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
Tuong, W., Larsen, E. R., & Armstrong, A. W. (2014). Videos to influence: A systematic review of effectiveness of video-based education in modifying health behaviors. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 37, 218-233. doi:10.1007/s10865-012-9480-7
Prestwich, A., Sniehotta, F. F., Whittington, C., Dombrowski, S. U., Rogers, L., & Michie, S. (2014). Does theory influence the effectiveness of health behavior interventions? Meta-analysis. Health Psychology, 33, 465-474. doi:10.1037/a0032853
Anker, A.
E., Feeley, T. H., McCracken, B., & Lagoe, C. A.
(2016). Measuring the effectiveness of mass-mediated health campaigns through
meta-analysis. Journal of Health
Communication, 21, 439-456. doi:10.1080/10810730.2015.1095820
Perrault, E. K. (2017).
Campaign evaluation in health and risk messaging. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.521 Some behavior-specific reviews
For further reading:
Maskerine, C., & Loeb, M. (2006). Improving adherence to hand hygiene among health care workers. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 26, 244-251.
Bauman, A., Smith, B. J., Maibach, E. W., & Reger-Nasah, B. (2006). Evaluation of mass media campaigns for physical activity. Evaluation and Program Planning, 29, 312-322.
Sohl, S. J., & Moyer, A. (2007). Tailored interventions to promote mammography screening: A meta-analytic review. Preventive Medicine, 45, 252–261.
Noar, S. M., Palmgreen, P., Chabot, M., Dobransky, N., & Zimmerman, R. S. (2009). A 10-year systemic review of HIV/AIDS mass communication campaigns: Have we made progress? Journal of Health Communication, 14, 15-42. doi: 10.1080/10810730802592239
Soler, R. E., Leeks, K. D., Buchanan, L. R., Brownson, R. C., Heath, G. W., Hopkins, D. H., & the Task Force on Community Preventive Services. (2010). Point-of-decision prompts to increase stair use: A systematic review update. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 38, S292-S300.
Safron, M., Cislak, A., Gaspar,
T., & Luszczynska, A. (2011). Effects of school-based interventions
targeting obesity-related behaviors and body weight change: A systematic
umbrella review. Behavioral Medicine,
37, 15–25.
Werb, D., Mills, E. J., DeBeck, K., Kerr, T., Montaner, J. S. G., & Wood, E. (2011). The effectiveness of anti-illicit-drug public-service announcements: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 65, 834-840. doi:10.1136/jech.2010.125195
Phillips, R. O., Ulleberg, P., & Vaa, T.
(2011). Meta-analysis of the effect of road safety campaigns on accidents. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 43,
1204-1218. doi:10.1016/j.aap.2011.01.002
Naugle, D. A., &
Hornik, R. C. (2015). Systematic review of the effectiveness of mass media
interventions for child survival in low- and middle-income countries. Journal of Health Communication, 19(S1),
190-215. doi:10.1080/10810730.2014.918217
Elvik, R. (2016). A theoretical perspective on
road safety communication campaigns. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 97,
292-297. doi:10.1016/j.aap.2015.04.027
Firestone, R., Rowe, C. J., Modi, S. N., & Sievers, D. (2017). The effectiveness of social marketing in global health: A systematic review. Health Policy and Planning, 32, 110-124. doi:10.1093/heapol/czw
Young, B., Lewis, S., Katikireddi, S. V., Bauld, L., Stead, M., Angus, K., . . . Langley, T. (2018). Effectiveness of mass media campaigns to reduce alcohol consumption and harm: A systematic review. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 53, 302-316. doi:10.1093/alcalc/agx094
Martin, N. A., Hulland,
K. R. S., Dreibelbis, R., Sultana, F., & Winch,
P. J. (2018). Sustained adoption of water, sanitation and hygiene
interventions: Systematic review. Tropical Medicine & International
Health, 23, 122-135. doi:10.1111/tmi.13011
Abril, E. P., & Dempsey, P. R. (2019). Outcomes of healthy eating ad campaigns: A systematic review. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 62, 39-43. doi:10.1016/j.pcad.2018.12.008
Torloni, M. R., Brizuela, V., & Betran, A. P. (2020). Mass media campaigns to reduce unnecessary caesarean sections: A systematic review. BMJ Global Health, 5(2), e001935. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2019-001935
5.4.2 Some specific examples of campaign evaluation
Byles, J. E., Redman, S., Sanson-Fisher, R. W., & Boyle, C. A. (1995). Effectiveness of two direct-mail strategies to encourage women to have cervical (Pap) smears. Health Promotion International, 10, 5-16. [pdf provided here]
Reger, B., Wootan, M. G., & Booth-Butterfield, S. (1999). Using mass media to promote healthy eating: A community-based demonstration project. Preventive Medicine, 29, 414-421. doi:10.1006/pmed.1998.0570
Owen, N., Bauman, A., Booth, M., Oldenburg, B., & Magnus, P. (1995). Serial mass-media campaigns to promote physical activity: Reinforcing or redundant? American Journal of Public Health, 85, 244-248. doi:10.2105/AJPH.85.2.244
Agha, S.,
& Van Rossem, R. (2002). Impact of mass media
campaigns on intentions to use the female condom in
For further reading:
McPhee, S. J., Nguyen, T., Euler, G. L., Mock, J., Wong, C., Lam, T., Nguyen, W., Nguyen, S., Ha, M. Q. H., Do, S. T., & Buu, C. (2003). Successful promotion of hepatitis B vaccinations among Vietnamese-American children ages 3 to 18: Results of a controlled trial. Pediatrics, 111, 1278-1288.
Lairson, D. R., Newmark, G. R., Rakowski, W., Tiro, J. A., & Vernon, S. W. (2004). Development costs of a computer-generated tailored intervention. Evaluation and Program Planning, 27, 161-169.
Wu, J. H., Fung, M. C., Chan, W., & Lairson, D. R. (2004). Cost-effectiveness analysis of interventions to enhance mammography compliance using computer modeling (CAN*TROL). Value in Health, 7, 175-185.
Stephenson, M. T., Witte, K., Vaught, C., Quick, B. L., Booth-Butterfield, S., Patel, D., & Zuckerman, C. (2005). Using persuasive messages to encourage voluntary hearing protection among coal miners. Journal of Safety Research, 36, 9-17.
Peterson, M., Chandlee, M., & Abraham, A. (2008). Cost-effectiveness analysis of a statewide media campaign to promote adolescent physical activity. Health Promotion Practice, 9, 426-433.
Y., Alonso, J. P., Teruel, M. P., Granizo,
C., & Gallego, J. (2008). Evaluation of health promotion intervention for
skin cancer prevention in Spain: The SolSano program. Health
Promotion International, 23, 209-219.
Perkins, H. W., Linkenback,
J. W., Lewis, M. A., & Neighbors, C. (2010). Effectiveness of social norms
media marketing in reducing drinking and driving: A statewide campaign. Addictive Behaviors 35, 866-874.
Everett, T., Bryant, A., Griffin, M.
F., Martin-Hirsch, P. P. L., Forbes, C. A., & Jepson, R. G. (2011).
Interventions targeted at women to encourage the uptake of cervical screening. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 5.
Davis, K. C., Uhrig,
J., Rupert, D., Fraze, J., Goetz, J., & Slater,
M. (2011). Effectiveness of a mass media campaign in promoting HIV testing
information seeking among African American women. Journal of Health Communication, 16, 1024-1039.
S., Gertler, P. J., & Orsola-Vidal, A. (2012). Promoting handwashing behavior in Peru: The
effect of large-scale mass-media and community level interventions. World
Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 6257.
T., Lund, K. E., Kraft, P., & Rise, J. (2013). Fear appeals in advanced
tobacco control environments: The impact of a national mass media campaign in
Norway. Health Education Research, 28,
888-897. doi:10.1093/her/cyt064
Perez, D., Kite, J., Dunlop, S. M.,
Cust, A. E., Goumas, C., Cotter, T., . . . Bauman, A.
(2015). Exposure to the ‘Dark Side of Tanning’ skin cancer prevention mass
media campaign and its association with tanning attitudes in New South Wales,
Australia. Health Education Research, 30, 336-346.
Duke, J. C., Davis, K. C.,
Alexander, R. L., MacMonegle, A. J., Fraze, J. L., Rodes, R. M., &
Beistle, D. M. (2015). Impact of a U.S. antismoking
national media campaign on beliefs, cognitions and quit intentions. Health
Education Research, 30, 466-483. doi:10.1093/her/cyv017
Prati, G., Mazzoni, D., Cicognani,
E., Albanesi, C., & Zani, B. (2016). Evaluating
the persuasiveness of an HIV mass communication campaign using gain-framed
messages and aimed at creating a superordinate identity. Health
Communication, 31, 1097-1104. doi:10.1080/10410236.2015.1040983
Bélanger-Gravel, A., Cutumisu,
N., Lagarde, F., Laferté, M., & Gauvin, L.
(2017). Short-term impact of a multimedia communication campaign on children’s
physical activity beliefs and behavior. Journal of Health Communication, 22,
1-9. doi:10.1080/10810730.2016.1245802
Katz, M. L., Young, G. S., Reiter, P. L., Pennell, M. L., Plascak, J. J., Zimmermann, B. J., . . . Paskett, E. D. (2017). Process evaluation of cancer prevention media campaigns in Appalachian Ohio. Health Promotion Practice, 18, 201-210. doi:10.1177/1524839916641638
Stojanová, H., & Blašková, V. (2018). Cost benefit study of a safety campaign's impact on road safety. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 117, 205-215. doi:10.1016/j.aap.2018.04.012
Powell-Jackson, T., Fabbri, C., Dutt, V., Tougher, S., & Singh, K. (2018). Effect and cost-effectiveness of educating mothers about childhood DPT vaccination on immunisation uptake, knowledge, and perceptions in Uttar Pradesh, India: A randomised controlled trial. PLoS Medicine, 15, e1002519. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002519
Office of Evaluation Sciences (OES). (2018). Increasing flu shot uptake among New York Harbor veterans: Emails incorporating behavioral insights were not effective in increasing flu shot uptake. United State General Services Administration.
Bleakley, A., Jordan, A., Mallya, G., Hennessy, M., & Piotrowski, J. T. (2018). Do you know what your kids are drinking? Evaluation of a media campaign to reduce consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages. American Journal of Health Promotion, 32, 1409-1416. doi:10.1177/0890117117721320
Turk, T., Newton, F., Choudhury, S., & Islam, M. S.
(2018). Predictors of quitting attempts among tobacco users in Bangladesh after
a communication campaign to launch graphic warning labels on packaging. Health Education and Behavior, 45, 879-887.
Morley, B. C., Niven, P. H.,
Dixon, H. G., Swanson, M. G., McAleese, A. B., & Wakefield, M. A. (2018). Controlled
cohort evaluation of the LiveLighter mass media
campaign's impact on adults' reported consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages.
BMJ Open, 8, e019574.
Phillips, G., 2nd, Raman, A. B., Felt, D., McCuskey, D. J., Hayford, C. S., Pickett, J., Lindeman, P. T., & Mustanski, B. (2020). PrEP4Love: The role of messaging and prevention advocacy in PrEP attitudes, perceptions, and uptake among YMSM and transgender women. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 83(5), 450-456. doi:1097/qai.0000000000002297
Fagan, J., Frye, V., Calixte, R., Jain, S., Molla, L., Lawal, A., Mosley, M. P., Greene, E., Mayer, K. H., & Zingman, B. S. (2020). "It's like Plan B but for HIV!" Design and evaluation of a media campaign to drive demand for PEP. AIDS and Behavior, 24, 3337-3345. doi:10.1007/s10461-020-02906-1
5.4.3 Contextualizing health behavior change campaigns
Katcher, M. L. (1987). Prevention of tap water scald burns: Evaluation of a multi-media injury control program. American Journal of Public Health, 77, 1195-1197.
Webne, S. L., & Kaplan, B. J. (1993). Preventing tap water scalds: Do consumers change their preset thermostats? American Journal of Public Health, 83, 1469-1470.
For further reading:
Yanovitzky, I. (2002). Effect of news coverage on the prevalence of drunk-driving behavior: Evidence from a longitudinal study. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 63, 342-351.
Ray, J. G., Vermeulen, M. J., Boss, S. C., & Cole, D. E. C. (2002). Declining rate of folate insufficiency among adults following increased folic acid fortification in Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health-Revue Canadienne de Sante Publique, 93, 249-253.
French, S. A., Story, M., Fulkerson, J. A., & Hannan, P. (2004). An environmental intervention to promote lower-fat choices in secondary schools: Outcomes of the TACOS study. American Journal of Public Health, 94, 1507-1512.
Freudenberg, N. (2005). Public health advocacy to change corporate practices: Implications for health education practice and research. Health Education and Behavior, 32, 298-319.
Dorfman, L., & Wallack, L. (2007). Moving nutrition upstream: The case for reframing obesity. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 39, S45-S50.
Leyden, K. M., Reger-Nash, B., Bauman, A., & Bias, T. (2008). Changing the hearts and minds of policy makers: An exploratory study associated with the West Virginia Walks campaign. American Journal of Health Promotion, 22, 204–207.
Mansi, I., Mansi, N., Shaker, H., & Banks, D. (2009). Stair design in the United States and obesity: The need for a change. Southern Medical Journal, 102, 610-614.
Kerr, J., Norman, G. J., Adams, M. A., Ryan, S., Frank, L., Sallis, J. F., Calfas, K. J., & Patrick, K. (2010). Do neighborhood environments moderate the effect of physical activity lifestyle interventions in adults? Health & Place, 16, 903-908. doi:10.1016/j.healthplace.2010.05.002
Pooley, C. G., Horton, D., Scheldeman, G., Mullen, C., Jones, T., Tight, M., Jopson, A., & Chisholm, A. (2013). Policies for promoting walking and cycling in England: A view from the street. Transport Policy, 27, 66-72. doi:10.1016/j.tranpol.2013.01.003
Iles, I., Atwell-Seate, A., & Waks, L. (2017). Stigmatizing the other: The unintended consequences of eating disorder public service announcements. Journal of Health Psychology, 22, 120-131. doi:10.1177/1359105315595453